1.4 - Network Security

Forms of attack

- There are many forms of attack on networks, but the most common (and the ones you need to know about) are:


- Malware is malicious software that is designed to damage or disrupt a computer system, or to gain unauthorised access to a computer system.
- It can be spread through a variety of methods, including email attachments, infected websites, and infected software.
- Oftentimes if you are being careless and, for example, running random scripts without precautions, you are more likely to be infected with malware.
- Malware tends to delete, corrupt, or modify files and data, and can also be used to gain unauthorised access to a computer system (or make it part of a botnet, which is a network of infected computers often used to carry out DDoS attacks).

Malware Description
Trojan horse A Trojan horse (or simply trojan) is a piece of malware that looks like a legitimate program, but is actually a program that has been designed to do malicious things.
Virus A virus is a piece of malware that can replicate itself within the hosts's computer.
Worm A worm is like a virus, but it can spread to other computers without the user having to do anything.
Botnet A botnet is a network of infected computers that are used to carry out DDoS or other attacks.
Rootkit A rootkit is a piece of malware that can hide itself from the operating system and can be used to gain unauthorised access to a computer system.
Spyware Spyware is a piece of malware that can monitor and record the activities of a user's computer.
Ransomware Ransomware is a piece of malware that encrypts a user's files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key.

Denial of Service Attacks

- A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is a type of attack that disrupts a computer system by flooding it with requests, causing it to become unresponsive or crash.
- The distributed (DDoS) version of this attack is where instead of just using one or a few computers to carry out the attack, which is easier to block, the attackers use a large number of computers (oftentimes on a botnet) to carry out the attack.
- The attackers sometimes request payment to stop the attack.

Brute Force Attacks

- A Brute Force attack is a type of attack that tries to guess a password by trying every possible combination until it finds the correct one.
- Oftentimes this is done by using a dictionary of common passwords first, and then using a brute force attack to try to guess the remaining passwords (or just password if you're targeting someone specifically).
- Longer passwords and passwords with more types of characters take a lot longer to iterate over than shorter ones, which is why many places will force you to use a longer password with more types of characters.

Social Engineering Attacks

- A Social Engineering attack is a type of attack that attempts to trick a person into divulging confidential information or performing actions that they wouldn't normally do.
- Oftentimes this is done by pretending to be someone else, or by making it seem like something has happened that hasn't (for example, a website pretending to be an official warning from a company like Microsoft telling you you have a virus).
- The most common forms of social engineering are:

- Social engineering is often a common component in other types of attacks, for example downloading a trojan from an email from your 'bank'.
- It can be very effective because no matter how much you try to protect your computers, you are always susceptible to human error.

SQL Injection Attacks

- A SQL Injection attack is a type of attack that attempts to insert malicious SQL code into a frontend (like a website) to gain unauthorised access to the database.

uhh... but what is SQL?

- SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is a language used to interact with databases. It is a very powerful language, and is used to create, update, and delete data in a database. It is also used to query the data in the database, and to perform other tasks such as creating views and stored procedures.
- There are many types of SQL commands, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. If a database input (such as on a login page) is not 'sanitised' properly, it can be used to perform SQL injection attacks.
SQL is either pronounced 'sequel' or ess queue ell. Under NO circumstances is it 'squeal'.

Data Interception Attacks

- A Data Interception attack is a type of attack that attempts to steal data from a system by intercepting and reading the data being sent between the system and the user.
- Oftentimes this is done by using a tool called a sniffer, which is a piece of software that captures all the data being sent between the system and the user, and then displays it to the attacker.

Methods of preventing attacks

- There are many methods of preventing attacks, but some common ones are:


- A firewall is a piece of software that allows you to control what traffic can pass through it, and what it can block. It blocks unwanted traffic by filtering requests and responses.
- Often both your router and your computer will have firewalls, sometimes even your DNS has a firewall.


- Passwords are a way of protecting your data, and are used to prevent unauthorised access to your computer. They are usually stored in a database, and are hashed using a one-way function (such as SHA-256) to make them difficult to reverse engineer.
- These help prevent data theft and brute force attacks.


- Encryption is a way of protecting your data, and is used to prevent unauthorised access to your computer. It is done by using a one-way function (such as AES) to encrypt your data, and then decrypting it using a key.

User access levels

- User access levels ensure that no one has higher access than they absolutely need.
- For example, in a company, an IT administrator account might have access to everything, but a sales account might only have access to sales data.
- This prevents data theft, and can lessen the impact of a social engineering attack.

Penetration testing

- Penetration testing is a way of testing your computer for vulnerabilities.
- It is carried out by using both a tool called a vulnerability scanner, which scans your computer for known vulnerabilities.
- Penetration testing is also done by people (sometimes known as 'ethical hackers') who act like malicious hackers, and when they find a vulnerability, they report it to you. Sometimes these people are employed by companies, and sometimes bugs are reported through a 'bug bounty' program.
- This can prevent SQL injection, make social engineering attacks harder, and lets attack vectors be found and fixed before they are exploited.

Physical security

- Physical security is simply preventing physical access to a part of a network.
- For example, having a keycard system for access to a server room, CCTV, or simply security by obscurity.
- This prevents data interception and theft, and can prevent social engineering attacks.

Antimalware/antivirus software

- Antimalware/antivirus software is a way of protecting your data, and is used to prevent unauthorised access to your computer. It is done by using a tool called a antivirus software, which scans for malware and then reports it to you.
- Antimalware software can be used to scan emails, files, websites etc.
- It works because it has a list of known malware signatures, and if even if a program is not on the list, if it behaves suspiciously it can be flagged (hence false positives).
- Antimalware software is used to stop... well, malware.